Monthly Archives: December 2021


Tom T. Moore has been teaching people to work with their angels by requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes since 1985.  (Check out his website at thegentlewaybook at

This is a very powerful, and very simple process that supercharges your requests for angelic help.  Here’s an example:

“Angels, I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding an affordable,

gently used office chair.  That or something even better, thank you!”

It’s important to finish with Thank You because this sets the energy that you trust your angels to do everything they can for you, and that your request WILL be answered.

Frequently Asked Questions!

Do I need to say the request out loud?

There are advantages to saying the request out loud, but you can also say the words to yourself.  In that situation, remember to focus your intention on what you are requesting.

Do I need to get the words exactly right?

The original phrase works best; it is an energetic expression that goes out to the Universe.  However, you can certainly experiment to find what seems to be most productive for you personally.

How long will it take for my request to be answered?

Sometimes it takes a while for the angels to set up the conclusion to a request; there might also be other reasons.  Remind yourself to be patient and trust that the angels are working for your benefit.  And watch for “reminder signs” that they are around you!

What if I NEVER see the results I desire?

           Yes, this does happen.  Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Something better is on the way for you that you’re not aware of yet.
  2. The request must be benevolent for everyone involved.
  3. Your request would not keep you on your soul contract or path.

If you have questions, please feel free to connect with me!

Blessings to you from Peggy River Singer

newbluecanoe at


This is a simple system for asking for help and guidance from intentional dreams.

First, be sure to have a pad and pen by your bedside.

When you’re ready to go to sleep, think about what you would like help with.  You might also write it down on your pad to help organize your thoughts.  Ask for help to REMEMBER the dream when you wake up, long enough to write it down.

If you are working with angels, you can direct your request to them.

My routine is that I set the alarm clock for 6:30 am, then reset for 7 am.  During that half hour, I’ll usually have dreams that have special meaning to me, or which answer one of my requests.

As soon as I wake up, I write down as much as I can remember of the dream.  When I have time, I go back and study what I’ve written and make notes about my thoughts.

If you have questions, please feel free to connect with me!

Blessings to you from Peggy River Singer

newbluecanoe at


Every human has at least one guardian angel, no matter what belief system they follow.  Your angel is always with you, whispering in your ear to help you make good decisions; but he (or she) isn’t allowed to do more than that until you ask.  So, if you’d like your angel to become your partner in co-creating a joyful, satisfying life, just say something like: “Angel, I’d love for you to help me!” 

You can ask for help with ANYTHING, as long as it is positive in nature.  Talk to your angel about what you’d like help with, and finish with “Thank you.”  Then, relax and let him take over and get busy on your behalf.  You may see results right away, or it may take a while; and the results might not be quite what you are expecting!  Trust the angels to know the best way to answer your request.

Remember, angels are pure love, and they can only love you.  Even if you make a mistake or do something unkind or hurtful, they won’t get angry or feel disappointed in you.  They will love you forever.

If you have questions, please feel free to connect with me!

Blessings to you from Peggy River Singer

newbluecanoe at


I’ve been reading science fiction and fantasy since I was a kid; and like many of you, I’ve been enjoying the Avenger and Thor movies of the last several years. I’ve been particularly intrigued by Loki, Thor’s adopted brother; who is not human at all but a Frost Giant, and whose backstory is filled with conflict and emotional trauma.

As a Reiki practitioner, I began to wonder whether Reiki could help someone like Loki (if he were a real living being) with all his issues, even though he’s not human. Then I wondered whether Reiki might be helpful for other not-human sentients. And that naturally led to wondering whether off-worlders might come here to Earth specifically to experience, learn or practice Reiki.

So, I decided to ask the Oversoul of Reiki…

Reiki: Reiki was never intended to be confined to Earth. It was developed here (over millions of years) because the energies are ideal.

Peggy: Ideal, in what sense?

Reiki: Earth has a reputation for being a planet with a high level of negativity, which creates imbalances that can lead to war, illness and so forth. There has always been a strong presence of Lightworkers here, who work continuously to help balance the negative energies.

Learning to co-create BALANCE in one’s life and health is a key aspect of Reiki practice. The constant process of energy balancing on Earth is what makes it an ideal environment for the development of Reiki.

Now you wish to ask, have off-worlders also been coming here for Reiki treatments, to learn and teach Reiki, and perhaps take that knowledge back to their homeworlds? Again, the answer is Yes.

Peggy: And how long has this been going on?

Reiki: Billions of years. There are those who wish to experience the Reiki energy at certain points in its development, you see, and those wishes can be accommodated here.

Peggy: Is there some kind of organization that oversees this project?

Reiki: One could call it that, though its objective is to guide and support in the cause of All-Healing, rather than to control in any sense.

Peggy: Can you give me an idea how many Reiki practitioners here are from offworld?

Reiki: We have no wish to contribute to doubts or fears in those who will read these words. Let each person search their own Knowing to find authentic answers to this inquiry. And remember, always, that REIKI CAN DO NO HARM. Reiki cannot be USED to do harm. Therefore, Reiki practitioners of ANY species can do no harm while using Reiki.

Peggy: With all the universes to consider, there must be billions of healing systems, and some of them must be similar to Reiki.

Reiki: Yes, indeed. However, Earth-based Reiki has been shown to be one of the most beneficial and effective modalities, applicable to countless species, which is why it is so popular.

Peggy: Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan is considered to be the developer of what we think of as modern Reiki (starting in the 1920’s). I see now that his lineage of teachers must extend much farther into the past than I used to think.

Reiki: And into the future, and all the space-time continuums, and so forth. The balancing and healing energy of Reiki is integral to the workings of many universes as well as this one.

Peggy: Was Dr. Usui aware of all this?

Reiki: Not consciously, no. Now, of course, from the other side of the Veil, he is delighted to observe and encourage the growth of Reiki on your world and elsewhere.

Peggy: Is Dr. Usui working directly with any not-human individuals or groups at this time?

Reiki: Only occasionally. He is enjoying his freedom to pursue his own interests and spiritual development, you see.

Peggy: Is there anything else you’d like to add, for those who will read these words?

Reiki: There are many paths to healing. Find the path that FEELS right, and it will ring through your soul in a clear, pure tone that is unmistakable. Thank you for this sharing.


Sweetgrass is the hair of our Mother;
separately, each strand is not as strong
as the strands are when braided together.

~ quote by Mary Ritchie

I’ve been going to Pow Wows [Native American tribal festivals] since the 1970’s, and that is where I first met Sweetgrass. The sweet, vanilla-ish aroma of this native grass is instantly soothing. It’s most commonly used as a “smudge” or incense, but has many other applications as well. I have Sweetgrass at home, and it inspired this interview.

Peggy: May I speak to the representative for Sweetgrass?

Sweetgrass: I am glad to hear from you, River Singer! Yes, let us talk.

Peggy: Thank you! Are you a Deva, or a goddess, or Nature Spirit?

Sweetgrass: Let us use the term Deva, since I am the one Creator has put in charge of my sacred grasses.

Peggy: I’m sure many of those reading these words are familiar with you. For those who are not, will you please describe yourself?

Sweetgrass: I am the sacred herb, the healing potion, the expression of oneness in the form of a Green Being. My energy attracts positive beings and energies, calms fears and pains, eases isolation by reminding humans they are never alone. I am the foundation of beneficial beliefs and folkways.

Peggy: Did your people originally travel here from another world, or were you developed here?

Sweetgrass: Representatives did travel here at Creator’s request, in the earliness of the appropriate ecological environments on this world.

Peggy: After what we call the Ice Ages, then?

Sweetgrass: Yes, I flourished in the lands that blossomed with new life as the great ice beings withdrew, and spread rapidly in that situation along with thousands of other forms of grasses.

Peggy: Am I correct in assuming that you are one of those plants – like Bamboo and Cannabis – which were intended specifically to assist humankind?

Sweetgrass: Yes.

Peggy: Do animals and Nature Spirits also benefit from Sweetgrass’s qualities, perhaps for healing?

Sweetgrass: [pleased] Certainly! And when prairie fires sweep across the land, the aroma of the burning grasses blesses countless beings of all kinds, both seen and unseen. My plants have strong roots and are designed to regrow after fires, so their capacity for providing blessings of all kinds continues for a very long time.

Peggy: Sweetgrass is considered sacred by cultures in the Americas and in Europe. Are there other native plants that have the same properties in other parts of the world?

Sweetgrass: Not exactly the same, of course. But yes, each part of the world where green beings grow has plants with similar properties, used in similar ways by humans, but not related to Sweetgrass. And those many, many plants bestow blessings and healings each in their own ways.

Peggy: I’ve read that Sweetgrass is considered to have feminine energy, while sage is usually considered to have masculine energy.

Sweetgrass: That is a simplification, but basically true. We grow in similar habitats, and help to balance Mother Gaia’s energies. Please bear in mind that all living things, and all “non-living” things such as rocks and mountains, play a role in the sacred balancing of the physical and energetic planet.

Peggy: There’s quite a bit of controversy in this country right now about non-Native people who like to use Sweetgrass and other traditional sacred plants like White Sage in non-traditional ways. This is seen by many as an act of disrespect, and even cultural theft.

Sweetgrass: Sacred plants of all species were not created solely for the use of aboriginal peoples, but for all who can benefit from them. Even the faerie folk and animal-kind, as has already been stated. Let each person make their own decision about this matter.

Peggy: I have some braided Sweetgrass at home, and I’ve seen so many beautiful baskets, weavings and other kinds of creative uses for the grass. I understand that Sweetgrass used in this manner can represent mind, body, spirit, peace, and harmony. Is that due to the inherent makeup of the grass and its energies, or to the intentions of the maker?

Sweetgrass: A mixture of both, as you are thinking. A basket for food made from (or decorated with) Sweetgrass will emanate its natural energies, even if it is not intentionally blessed by the basket weaver.

Peggy: I found this quote on the Wandering Bull website: “She (Sweetgrass) is very social, a very comforting and motherly sort of plant. She has many gifts for her children if we use her wisely and respectfully.”

Sweetgrass: That is a very perceptive and pleasing description! Let us allow these words to conclude this talking.


Peggy River Singer is a Lightworker, all-beings communicator, faerie ally, Reiki practitioner, and lifelong writer who combines her gifts to help create harmonious relationships among all who share the Earth. Connect by email at Previous columns, interviews, and articles about her experiences and insights are posted on

A Conversation with Aurora Borealis, Tren.oh.hahh

Peggy: Hello! How would you like me to address you?

Aurora: I am Tren.oh.hahh, but “Aurora” will be fine for the sake of simplicity, thanks.

Peggy: I haven’t had many opportunities to see your lights in my lifetime, but they have always looked amazing! Do you personally create all the patterns and displays, or are they simple forces of Nature as many of our scientists think?

Aurora: [chuckles] In their essence, my Lights ARE simple phenomena created by solar particles interacting with atmospheric gases. But Creator and Gaia perceived an opportunity to use this phenomenon to encourage wonderment, imagination, creating tales and customs and myths that can be shared by different cultures around the world. So, I was created to direct the displays in endlessly creative forms, colors and patterns. This was long long ago, in the beginning of all things.

Peggy: Do you work with assistants of any kind?

Aurora: Yes, there are those whom you would categorize as specialized Nature Spirits who help with the fine-tuning and localized displays that have special meaning for the people of that area; or sometimes, to just one or two people who seek guidance or confirmation of some thought or decision.

Peggy: I’ve read about the “whooshing and crackling noises” that are often heard during displays. Is this a way that you can communicate with humans?

Aurora: Yes, indeed. Many humans are sensitive enough to perceive my Voice in this manner. There are many layers or frequencies to these communications that are not consciously heard, but which are readily perceived by the mind and the heart of humans, those you call animals, Nature Spirits and all other living beings.

Peggy: Many human cultures associate displays with death, destruction, slain warriors departing the physical life, and bad omens. Other cultures consider the lights to be celestial cooking fires, or to help women bear children without pain, and other good omens. My favorite legend is from Finland where the Lights are called Firefox, from a fox who ran so fast its tail caused sparks to fly into the sky. How do you view all these varied interpretations?

Aurora: In this question, you see the vast variety of human imaginings that I described previously. It is up to the humans to decide their interpretations, I take no part in that.

Peggy: Many of our readers are not aware that the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) are mirrored by the Southern Lights (Aurora Australis). Are your energy displays connected with balancing the magnetic energies of the planet?

Aurora: Connected, yes, the two fields of energy are in constant motion in terms of adjusting to each other to maintain a harmonious balance. You are wondering: do the magnetic energies also have a Voice, and the answer again is yes. Think of our interactions as a wondrous dance or chorus of joy, power and beauty.

Peggy: That’s a delightful image, thank you! I’ve read that Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter have similar displays.

Aurora: The arrangement is fairly common, as you will see when your people explore – by technology or travel — other regions of space. The energetic “chorus signature” of such planets is commonly used by spacefaring cultures to locate the planets they wish to travel to. You will perceive that this is a much more heart-centered method than merely mapping this location and that location. Most of those who use this system take great pleasure in hearing/feeling the unique signatures of their destination worlds as well as their own homeworlds.

Many cultures partner with “living ships” of various kinds. These ships naturally have their own means of expression. Therefore, ships and planets often enjoy “singing” a complex duet as the ship draws nearer.

Peggy: Is there anything else you’d like to share today?

Aurora: My words are complete, thank you.


Peggy River Singer is a Lightworker, all-beings communicator, faerie ally, Reiki practitioner, and lifelong writer who combines her gifts to help create harmonious relationships among all who share the Earth. Connect by email at Previous columns, interviews, and articles about her experiences and insights are posted on